الحمد لله
Taaruf Week telah tamat semalam..
Seronok jugak penututp semalam..
Rasenye terlebih gelak pulak semalam..
Here we are living in this world
A journey to the end
We are servants, we are bow to Allah
From Him a helping hand
We are different races
From countries far and wide
Together we can face it
Uphold what's pure and right
We can stand and work hand in hand
We're stronger when we unite
Share the word and spread the truth
With Iman Allah's light
In our heart can't fake it
When Allah's love and embrace
Together we can make it
The world a better place
Everything in life we can take
Everything in life we can take
Everything in strike cause we live
In this wordly life can only try
Every dream we have
We want to have the very best
But we can only face the test
For we can try
And in team we stand and in team we can
We can make it through the day
We can help each other one another
And in team we should stay
Let us take the guidance
From Allah and Rasulullah
We can face the world
We can make it through the night
We can make it through the night
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